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Mkdir -p /diskless/x86_64/centos5.2/root

Mkdir /diskless/x86_64/centos5.2/snapshot


rsync -auv -e ssh –delete –exclude=’/proc/*’ –exclude=’/sys/*’ –exclude=’/tmp/*’–exclude=’/var/log/*’ root@ /diskless/x86_64/centos5.2/root/


Yum -y install tftp tftp-server

Yum -y install busybox

Vi /etc/xinetd/tftp


Chkconfig –level 345 xinetd on

Chkconfig –level 345 tftp on

Service xinetd start


Yum -y install dhcp-server

Chkconfig –level 345 dhcpd on

Vi /etc/dhcpd.conf

allow booting;

allow bootp;

class “pxeclients” {

match if substring(option vendor-class-identifier, 0, 9) = “PXEClient”;

next-server <server-ip>;

filename “linux-install/pxelinux.0”;


Service dhcpd start


Yum -y install portmap nfs

Vi /etc/exports

/diskless/x86_64/centos5.2/root *(ro,sync,no_root_squash)

/diskless/x86_64/centos5.2/snapshot/ *(rw,sync,no_root_squash)

Service portmap start

Service nfs start


If starting the Network Booting Tool for the first time, select Diskless from the First Time Druid. Otherwise, select Configure => Diskless from the pull-down menu, and then click Add.

A wizard appears to step you through the process:

1、Click Forward on the first page.

2、On the Diskless Identifier page, enter a Name and Description for the diskless environment. Click Forward.

3、Enter the IP address or domain name of the NFS server configured in Section 4.3 Configuring the NFS Server as well as the directory exported as the diskless environment. Click Forward.

4、The kernel versions installed in the diskless environment are listed. Select the kernel version to boot on the diskless system.

5、Click Apply to finish the configuration.


1、Hostname or IP Address/Subnet – Specify the hostname or IP address of a system to add it as a host for the diskless environment. Enter a subnet to specify a group of systems.

2、Operating System – Select the diskless environment for the host or subnet of hosts.

3、Serial Console – Select this checkbox to perform a serial installation.

4、Snapshot name – Provide a subdirectory name to be used to store all of the read/write content for the host.

5、Ethernet – Select the Ethernet device on the host to use to mount the diskless environment. If the host only has one Ethernet card, select eth0.

日志信息 »

该日志于2009-06-18 17:10由 admin 发表在技术合集分类下, 你可以发表评论。除了可以将这个日志以保留源地址及作者的情况下引用到你的网站或博客,还可以通过RSS 2.0订阅这个日志的所有评论。
